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Know Waste project

NSW guideline kerbside waste audits - All three streams


Completing waste audits for Pre and Post analysis.  Completing 220 households of each waste stream at each project stage.  Aggregated method.

Kiama Council Waste Project
Queanbeyan Waste Project

NSW guideline kerbside waste audits - Waste and FOGO streams


Completing 220 households of each waste stream. Bag by bag method – all households individually collected and sorted.

NSW guideline kerbside waste audits - All three streams


Completing all three waste stream bin audit to the NSW EPA guidelines. 350 households audited per waste stream. Aggregated method.

Cumberland Council Waste Project
City of Ryde Waste project

Resident education delivery


Applying education stickers to approximately 25,875 Single-unit Dwelling recycling bins. Stickers help provide a visual reminder of best practice recycling, to encourage positive behaviour change and reduce contamination in recycling bins. 

NSW EPA Local Litter Checks and reporting


Sport fields, shopping strips and roadsides – Local Litter Checks, to provide baseline data and litter reduction recommendations across the LGA.  Later completing post assessments to monitor change after site upgrades.

Ku ring gai Council Waste Management Project
Randwick Council Waste management project

Resident education delivery - Recycling and FOGO


Single-Unit Dwelling (SUDs) recycling and FOGO bin monitoring, education and contamination improvement program.  Helping residents to improve their disposal behaviour and reduce contamination in recycling and FOGO bins.

Whole LGA bin reconciliation


Reconciling all SUDs, MUDs and SMEs in the LGA. Attending all properties. Approximately 58,000 address at approximately 32,000 surveys points.

Georges River Council Waste Management Project
Know Waste Management project

Whole LGA Multi-Unit Dwelling bin reconciliation


Reconciling all three waste streams at approximately 2,000 MUDs.

Recording bin conformance and highlighting MUDs with excess bin presentations.

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